Posted in anecdote, letter, poetry, Uncategorized

And Then He Was Called Love

He wasn’t Love before, he wasn’t even Friend

Not even Random Beautiful Stranger, he was just a passerby

A frequent presence, a familiar face, you never really paid attention to

But somehow it seems that fate and time have conspired

To shower you with random moments that brought you closer

Close enough for you to see that he had the kind of warmth and sweetness

He often hid from the rest of the world, but somehow not to you

And he talked to you as if he’d known you all his life

Half an hour into your very first conversation, all honest, no pretenses

Just him, all bare, as if he only needed his dreams and humor to clothe him.

You became the best of friends, distance was not a word that could be put between

The two of you, maybe physically but emotionally never

You shared a very sincere and loyal bond, that gave you genuine happiness

The kind that made you light up when you spoke of him,

and people often mistook it for the romantic sort of love

It could’ve been, but at the time it was just the caring kind of love.

People started calling him Love around you ‘cos they believed in time he will be,

Because the moments that tightly wrapped themselves around the two of you

Made up for a really good love story,

Neither one of you wanted to be a good story, he’d rather write one

He liked to write the kind of stories that couldn’t find an ending

You on the other hand had always had your heart set on short prose and verses

Love couldn’t write a decent poem even if he tried, but he didn’t have to

Love became poetry when he was with you.


I'm a human being and perhaps that is all you need to know

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